Research achievements (Lectures, oral presentations, posters, etc.)

Basic information

Name McBRIDE Paul

Presentation title

Power, knowledge, surveillance, and ELF-informed pedagogy

Name (Japanese kanji)


Name (Roman Alphabet)


Name of conference

The 11th International Conference of English as a Lingua Franca

Date held


Presence/absence of invitation

Batu(Ordinary Lecture)

Language of publication used


Conference category


Type of presentation


Organizer of conference



Kings College, London.





The values associated with power and knowledge are maintained and perpetuated at the points of their dissemination (Foucault, 1980). In their classrooms, teachers may be implicated as points of dissemination, or agents, often in ways not immediately visible, in maintaining and perpetuating normalizing world views and practices. The presenter outlined ELF-informed teaching practices which may militate against such processes, and improve the quality of learning tasks.
