Teaching qualification / certification |
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Record of committee membership |
Research achievements (PUBLICATIONS) |
- Effect of Monochromatic Red Light of Different Intensities during Growth on Production Efficiency of Vinblastine in Catharanthus roseus with Ultraviolet A Light Irradiation Environ. Control Biol. Taro F UKUYAMA , Takatoki O KUSU , Hiroyuki W ATANABE and Keiko O HASHI-KANEKO 2023
- Growth and Flowering of Dwarf Tomato in Hypobaric Environment Eco-Engineering Tomohito Ohno, Eiichi Ono, Keiko Ohashi-Kaneko, Hitohide Usami, Masayoshi Fuse and Hiroyuki Watanabe 2018
- Yield and fruit quality of several wild and domestic tomato cultivars grown in an environmentally controlled agricultural facility (plant factory) Acta Horticulturae K. Ohashi-Kaneko, W. Imai, T. Tabuchi, T. Kobayashi, H. Watanabe 2017
- Effects of Ultraviolet A Supplemented with Red Light Irradiation on Vinblastine Production in Catharanthus roseus Environmental Control in Biology Taro Fukuyama, Keiko Ohashi-Kaneko, Kazumasa Hirata, Misa Muraoka, Hiroyuki Watanabe 2017
- -Estimation of optimal red light intensity for production of the pharmaceutical drug components, vindoline and catharanthine, coantained in Catharanthus roseuse (L.) G. Don Environmental control in biology Fukuyama T., Ohashi-Kaneko K., Watanabe H. 2015-12-01
- - 2015-01
- - 2013-12
- - 2013-09
- - 2013-03
- -Growth and alkaloids production in Madagascar periwinkle plants grown under the red LED IFAC Proceedings Volumes Ohashi, K. K., Fukuyama, T., Nakai, A., Usami, H., Ono, E., Watanabe, H. 2013
- - 2012-09
- -Promotion of lettuce growth by application of microbubbles in nutrient solution using different rates of electrical conductivity and under periodic intermittent generation in a deep flow Europ. J. Hort. Sci J.S. Park, K. Ohashi, K. Kurata and J. W. Lee 2010-10
- -Low-light irradiation at the beginning or the end of the daily dark period accelerates leaf expansion and growth in Spinacia oleracea L. Environmental Control in Biology Keiko Ohashi-Kaneko, Masahide Takase, and Kenji Kurata 2010
- Nutrient solution prepared with ozonated water does not damage early growth oh hydroponically grown tomato. Ozone Science & Engineering Keiko Ohashi-Kaneko, Mari Yoshii, Takeshi Isobe, Jong-Seok Park, Kenji Kurata, Kazuhiro Fujiwara 2009-02
- -Effects of blue-light photon flux density on nitrogen and carbohydrate content and growth of spinach Acta Horticulturae Matsuda, R., K. Ohashi-Kaneko, K. Fujiwara and K. Kurata 2008
- Effects of blue light deficiency on acclimation of light energy partitioning in PSII and CO2 assimilation capacity to high irradiance in spinach leaves. Plant and Cell Physiology Matsuda, R., K. Ohashi-Kaneko, K. Fujiwara and K. Kurata 2008
- Effect of light quality on growth and vegetable quality in leaf lettuce, spinach and komatsuna. Environmental Control in Biology Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Takase, M., Kon, N., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. 2007-12
- Increased rubisco content in transgenic rice transformed with the ‘sense’ rbcS gene. Plant and Cell Physiology Suzuki, Y., Okubo, M., Hatakeyama, H., Ohashi, K., Yoshizawa, R., Kojima, S., Hayakawa, H., Yamaya, T., Mae, T. and Makino, A. 2007-10
- Analysis of the relationship between blue-light photon flux density and the photosynthetic properties of spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) leaves with regard to the acclimation of photosynthesis to growth irradiance. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Matsuda Ryo, Ohashi-Kaneko Keiko, Fujiwara Kazuhiro and Kurata Kenji 2007-10
- Growth of rice plants under red light with or without supplemental blue light. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Matsuda, R., Goto, E., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. 2006-10
- Effect of blue-light PPFD percentage in red and blue LED low-light irradiation during storage on the contents of chlorophyll and rubisco in grafted tomato plug seedlings. Environmental Control in Biology Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Fujiwara, K. Kimura, Y. and Kurata, K. 2006-10
- Effects of blue light supplementation to red light on nitrate reductase activity in leaves of rice seedlings. Acta Horticulturae Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Goji, K., Matsuda, R., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. 2006-10
- Effects of mowing and uprooting on the height and density of goldenrods (Solidago altissima L.) plants. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology Fujii, T., Kurata, K., Fujiw Acta Horticulturae ara, K., Ohashi, K. and Emoto, T. 2005-10
- Photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of rice grown under red light or a mixture of red and blue light. Plant and Cell Physiology Matsuda, R., Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Fujiwara, K., Goto, E. and Kurata, K. 2004-10
- - 2004-01
- Growth and carbon utilization in rice plants under conditions of physiologically low temperature and irradiance. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology Ohashi, K., Makino, A. and Mae, T. 2000-02
- The effect of CO2 enrichment on the growth of nodulated and non-nodulated isogenic types of soybean raised under two nitrogen concentrations PHOTOSYNTHETICA Nakamura, T., Koike, T., LEI, T., Ohashi, K., Shinano, T. and Tadano, T. 1999-10
- Gas exchange characteristics in rice leaves grown under the conditions of physiologically low temperature and irradiance. Plant and Cell Physiology Ohashi, K., Makino, A. and Mae, T. 1998-10
Research achievements (PUBLICATIONS/REVIEWS (Misc)) |
- Production of High Value-added Plant by Controlling the Light Environment Keiko OHASHI-KANEKO Journal of Science and High Technology in Agriculture YOKENDO 34 3 122 ~ 124 2022-09-01
- Nutrient solution prepared with ozonated water does not damage early growth oh hydroponically grown tomato. - Ozone Science & Engineering 31 1 ~ 7 2009
- Effects of blue light deficiency on acclimation of light energy partitioning in PSII and CO2 assimilation capacity to high irradiance in spinach leaves. Matsuda, R., K. Ohashi-Kaneko, K. Fujiwara and K. Kurata Plant and Cell Physiology 49 4 664 ~ 670 2008
- Effect of light quality on growth and vegetable quality in leaf lettuce, spinach and komatsuna. Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Takase, M., Kon, N., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. Environmental Control in Biology 45 189-198. 2007
- Increased rubisco content in transgenic rice transformed with the ‘sense’ rbcS gene. Suzuki, Y., Okubo, M., Hatakeyama, H., Ohashi, K., Yoshizawa, R., Kojima, S., Hayakawa, H., Yamaya, T., Mae, T. and Makino, A. Plant and Cell Physiology 48 626 ~ 637 2007
- Analysis of the relationship between blue-light photon flux density and the photosynthetic properties of spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.) leaves with regard to the acclimation of photosynthesis to growth irradiance. Matsuda, R., Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 53 459-465. 2007
- Growth of rice plants under red light with or without supplemental blue light. Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Matsuda, R., Goto, E., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 52 444-452. 2006
- Effect of blue-light PPFD percentage in red and blue LED low-light irradiation during storage on the contents of chlorophyll and rubisco in grafted tomato plug seedlings. Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Fujiwara, K. Kimura, Y. and Kurata, K. Environmental Control in Biology 44 309-314. 2006
- Effects of blue light supplementation to red light on nitrate reductase activity in leaves of rice seedlings. Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Goji, K., Matsuda, R., Fujiwara, K. and Kurata, K. Acta Horticulturae 711 351 ~ 355 2006
- Effects of mowing and uprooting on the height and density of goldenrods (Solidago altissima L.) plants. Fujii, T., Kurata, K., Fujiw Acta Horticulturae ara, K., Ohashi, K. and Emoto, T. Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 60 1165 ~ 1167 2005
- Photosynthetic characteristics in leaves of rice grown under red light or a mixture of red and blue light. Matsuda, R., Ohashi-Kaneko, K., Fujiwara, K., Goto, E. and Kurata, K. Plant and Cell Physiology 45 1870-1874. 2004
- Growth and carbon utilization in rice plants under conditions of physiologically low temperature and irradiance. Ohashi, K., Makino, A. and Mae, T. Australian Journal of Plant Physiology 27 99-107. 2000
- The effect of CO2 enrichment on the growth of nodulated and non-nodulated isogenic types of soybean raised under two nitrogen concentrations Nakamura, T., Koike, T., LEI, T., Ohashi, K., Shinano, T. and Tadano, T. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 37 61-70. 1999
- Gas exchange characteristics in rice leaves grown under the conditions of physiologically low temperature and irradiance. Ohashi, K., Makino, A. and Mae, T. Plant and Cell Physiology 39 1384-1387. 1998
Research achievements (BOOKS) |
Research achievements (Lectures, oral presentations, posters, etc.) |
- Searching for environmental Conditions that increase Vindoline and Catharanthine concentrations in Catharanthus roseus leaves during early nutritional growth 2023-10
- Synthesis of Madagascar periwinkle Dimeric Alkaloids Under UVA Light with Different Peak Wavelengths 2021 Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists Online Conference for Next Generation Research 2022-11
- Elemental Accumulation of Komatsuna, Spinach, and Leaf Lettuce Grown Under Monochromatic Red and Blue Light 2021 Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists Online Conference for Next Generation Research 2022-11
- Red light irradiation increases the yield of Catharanthus roseus alkaloids in early vegetative growth 2021 Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists Online Conference for Next Generation Research 2022-11
- Effects of Combined Treatment with Red Light Irradiation and High CO2 Concentration in Early Vegetative Growth on Alkaloid Yield of Catharanthus roseus The meeting of Japanese Sosiety of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineerings and Scientists 2022 Fukuoka 2022-09
- Effects of UV-A Light Irradiation on Alkaloid Concentrations in Detached Leaves of Madagascar periwinkle with Different Flower Colors The meeting of Japanese Sosiety of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineerings and Scientists 2022 Fukuoka 2022-09
- Effects of Different Light Quality on Elemental Concentrations in Leafy Vegetables Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2022 Tokyo 2022-09
- Elemental Accumulation of Komatsuna, Leaf Lettuce, and Spinach Cultivated in Different Light Quality Environments Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2021 Hokkaido 2022-09
- Estimation of Optimal ultraviolet A Intensity and Wavelength for Production of the Pharmaceutical Drug Components, Vinblastine, Contained in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don IHC2022 2022-08
- Estimation of Optimal UV Light Intensity and wavelength for Production of the Pharmaceutical Drug Components, Vinblastine, Contained in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don The 63rd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists 2022-03
- Effects of light quality on the concentration of mineral elements in leafy vegetables grown under artificial lighting The 63rd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists 2022-03
- Effects of Light Quality Environments on Nutrient Absorption in Leafy Vegetables IHC2022 2022
- Synthesis of Dimeric Alkaloids in the leaves of the Madagascar periwinkle by UV-LED Light Irradiation Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2021 Hokkaido 2021-09
- Effects of green light supplementation to a mixture of red and blue light on growth and photosynthesis in leaf lettuce 2021-03
- Determination of optimal red, blue and green lighting conditions for production of leaf lettuce plants cultured under LEDs 2017-08
- Effects of green light supplementation to red light and blue light on growth and amount of photosynthetic related component in leaf lettuce plants, Greensys2017 2017-08
- - - 2015-12-11
- The Effect of Irradiation with Red Light Supplemented with Ultraviolet A on Vinblastine Accumulation in Catharanthus roseus leaves GreenSys2015 - International Symposium on New Technologies and Management for Greenhouses/Evora, Portugal, 19-23 July 2015 2015-07-20
- The Effect of Irradiation with Red Light Supplemented with Ultraviolet A on Vinblastine Accumulation in Catharanthus roseus leaves GreenSys2015 - International Symposium on New Technologies and Management for Greenhouses/Evora, Portugal, 19-23 July 2015 2015-07-20
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Research achievements (Other) |
Research achievements (Patents) |
Overseas research activities |
Acceptance of special research students |
Courses you have taught (To be displayed on Researchmap) |
Course taught (Course for regular students) |
Course taught (Course for correspondence students) |
Educational innovation, text books and other matters worth mentioning |
Involvements with student field work / Study trips |
Extracurricular activities, etc. |
Achievements in fine arts / sports |