Research project

Basic information

Name OHASHI Keiko

Research project

Effects of the application of nutrient solution prepared with ozonated water on the growth and yield of hydroponically grown tomato

Keyword (1)

ozonated water

Keyword (2)


Keyword (3)


Area of research (1)

Agricultural environmental engineering/Agricultural information engineering

Other areas of research (1)


Area of research (2)


Other areas of research (2)


Area of research (3)


Other areas of research (3)


Selection of type of research.

Collaboration in Japan

Project period (Start date)



Project period (Finish date)


Grant and the subsidy


Name of grant


Year in which the grant was received


Amount of grant


Name of organization providing grant


Category of the funds of the grant


No. of subsidy-funded research project


Type of publication


Plans for next academic year

2006-2008 農林水産技術会議競争的研究資金等・先端技術を利用した農林水産研究高度化事業

Type of bounting


Organization providing the funding


Principle researcher


Cooperative researcher


Research category


Distribution amount of funding (Total amount)


Distribution amount of funding (Direct expenses)


Distribution amount of funding (Indirect expenses)



Research of a summary