Jean-Luc Godard, a film director representing the Nouvelle Vague, released “Here and Elsewhere” in 1976. This s a representative work of the experimental approach that characterized his creative work in the 1970s, in which the “montage technique” using video is particularly prominent. The film was originally intended to be a film for the Palestinian resistance movement, using footage that Godard and others filmed while they were undercover in Palestine during the 1960s and 1970s, but after the movement was defeated, the content of the film was drastically changed and made as a work of reflection and introspection. In addition to its content, this film attempts various experimental expressions are attempted in the technique of montage (editing), which is a characteristic of Godard’s films, by utilizing video, which was a new technology at the time. In this research, I will take up “Here and Elsewhere”, focus on sequence construction, and attempt a practical analysis of the montage technique. In addition, we consider the effect caused by the technique. |