Implementing a mobile-based extensive reading component: A report on engagement and learning outcomes
Extensive reading (ER) is recognized as a powerful approach for language learners to achieve improvement in reading fluency and overall language acquisition. However, establishing student accountability (Brown, 2012; Robb & Kano, 2013), getting students to read extensively (Robb, 2002) and providing effective reading support (Day & Bamford 1998; Robb, 2009) have been cited as key challenges for the effective implementation of this approach. This paper reports on the implementation of a mobile-based ER component. Over a 15-week semester, three English classes (n=54) read graded readers (GR) e-books on their preferred mobile device. Students’ engagement with this platform in regards to reading volumes, changes in reading speeds and correlations between these numbers and TOEIC? IP test scores were considered in the evaluation of this approach. |