Research project

Basic information

Name DIMOSKI Blagoja

Research project

Developing resources for teaching and assessing communication strategies in E LF-informed pedagogy: An empirical approach based on learners' communicative competence

Keyword (1)

English as a Lingua Franca

Keyword (2)

Communication Strategies

Keyword (3)

Teaching and Assessment Materials

Area of research (1)

Foreign language education

Other areas of research (1)


Area of research (2)


Other areas of research (2)


Area of research (3)


Other areas of research (3)


Selection of type of research.

Collaboration in Organization

Project period (Start date)




Project period (Finish date)


Grant and the subsidy


Name of grant


Year in which the grant was received


Amount of grant


Name of organization providing grant

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS): Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Category of the funds of the grant

Ministries and Agencies Related Grants

No. of subsidy-funded research project


Type of publication


Plans for next academic year

The proposed research will be conducted over a four-year period (see Figure 1). In 2018, the researchers will begin organizing participants and collecting data of spoken communication in real ELF settings using online communication tools. These interactions will be recorded and developed into a corpus. A conversational analysis will be conducted to identify specific CSs used. The findings will be presented and published. In 2019, the researchers will collect samples of written communication in real ELF settings using the same participants’. The data will be developed into a corpus and analyzed to identify specific CSs used in writing. The researchers will then present and publish their findings. In 2019 and 2020, based on the above findings, the researchers will begin developing CS teaching and assessment material for spoken and written communication in ELF-informed pedagogy.

Type of bounting


Organization providing the funding


Principle researcher

Blagoja Dimoski

Cooperative researcher

Satomi Kuroshima, Yuri Jody Yujobo, Tricia Okada, Rasami Chaikul

Research category


Distribution amount of funding (Total amount)


Distribution amount of funding (Direct expenses)


Distribution amount of funding (Indirect expenses)



Research of a summary

To develop a corpus of communication strategies (CSs) employed by learners in
spoken and written communication during authentic English as a lingua franca (ELF)
interactions. From this corpus, ELF-informed teaching and assessment materials will be
developed containing the following components: 1) Language Awareness: Introduction to
ELF-informed pedagogy; 2) Teaching Materials to Develop CSs in Spoken Communication
through: a) Implicit learning and b) Explicit learning; 3) Rubrics to Assess Spoken
Communication; 3) Teaching Materials to Develop CSs in Written Communication; 4)
Rubrics to Assess Written Communication; 5) Integrating ELF into a Course/Program. Each
component will be trialed using a mixed method approach to determine its efficacy, and the
findings will be presented and published. Finally, all of the materials (i.e., 1-5) will be made
accessible via a website, and a printed teaching manual. To the best of the researchers’
knowledge, there are no such ELF-informed resources currently available.