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CELF colloquium on ELF communication strategies
Yuri Jody Yujobo, Tricia Okada, Mitsuko Imai, Blagoja Dimoski, Ethel Ogane, (CELF, Tamagawa University) and Takanori Sato (Sophia University)
The 2017 CELF-ELTama Forum for English Language Teaching
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Batu(Ordinary Lecture)
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Symposium / Workshop Panel (Public Offering)
The Center for English as a Lingua Franca & ELTama
The Center for English as a Lingua Franca
Since the inception of the CELF in 2014, ELF instructors have undertaken a research agenda targeting the development of an ELF-oriented language program curriculum and the promotion of pedagogical practices which help to raise the awareness among CELF teachers and students of how language and communication systems, and in particular ELF, are used globally. In this colloquium, two teams of ELF instructors will present their work on research projects involving the teaching and student use of communication strategies (CS). From an ELF research perspective which maintains that language should be studied in reference to the situation or context in which it occurs, CSs are not necessarily only used by a speaker to convey meaning and by a listener to comprehend a message, but also used by interlocutors to co-construct an interaction, give support, signal affiliation, and keep the interaction going smoothly. Many ELF researchers recommend the active teaching of CSs to students (e.g., Seidlhofer, 2011). The colloquium panel will share the insights they have gained and implications for teaching they have discovered from their research projects.