Research achievements (Lectures, oral presentations, posters, etc.)

Basic information

Name DIMOSKI Blagoja

Presentation title

Listening strategy training for the English as a lingua franca (ELF) classroom

Name (Japanese kanji)

ディモスキ ブラゴヤ

Name (Roman Alphabet)

Blagoja Dimoski, Brett Milliner

Name of conference

The 2018 CELF-ELTama Forum for English Language Teaching

Date held


Presence/absence of invitation

Batu(Ordinary Lecture)

Language of publication used


Conference category

Domestic Conference

Type of presentation


Organizer of conference

The Center for English as a Lingua Franca & ELTama


The Center for English as a Lingua Franca




It has been suggested that L2 listeners are among the least researched group of language learners, at least in terms of the four macro language skills, according to some researchers (for example, see Harding, Anderson & Brunfaut, 2015; Yeldham, 2017). This dilemma is further exacerbated by test-orientated approaches taken by teachers which, by-and-large, are more interested in assessing learners’ level of comprehension (or lack of) rather than offering them specific strategies to develop their listening skills (Graham, Santos & Vanderplank, 2011; Siegel & Siegel, 2015). With all of the above in mind, the presenters embarked on an action research project which began with giving listening greater prominence in their teaching. They have begun with developing original teaching materials to address bottom-up listening skills, which research has shown to be a more appropriate focus for developing lower-level learners’ listening skills (e.g., Siegel & Siegel, 2015). This talk aims to introduce three ELF-specific listening materials that are continually being adapted and revised based on their success in the classroom and student feedback.


Co-presentation: Lead presenter