Research achievements (Lectures, oral presentations, posters, etc.)

Basic information

Name DIMOSKI Blagoja

Presentation title

Developing effective classroom materials and activities from lingua franca research

Name (Japanese kanji)

ディモスキ, ブラゴヤ

Name (Roman Alphabet)

Blagoja Dimoski

Name of conference

Hiroshima Shudo University, Global Education Group - Faculty Development Workshop

Date held


Presence/absence of invitation

Maru(Invited Lecture)

Language of publication used


Conference category


Type of presentation


Organizer of conference

Hiroshima Shudo University, Faculty of Global and Community Studies, Global Education Group,


Hiroshima Shudo University, Faculty of Global and Community Studies / Global Education Group, 1-1-1 Ozukahigashi, Asaminami-ku Hiroshima 731-3195




I was invited to give a faculty development workshop on 1) the process through which I have been selecting / applying ELF-related concepts to my own research, and then to classroom materials and activities; and 2) provide my insights on highlights from the Helsinki and London ELF conferences on current pedagogical materials being developed by researcher-practitioners.


It was a two-hour invited workshop.