Research achievements (Lectures, oral presentations, posters, etc.)

Basic information

Name YONEDA Sakiko

Presentation title

Effects and Challenges of Collaborative Online International Learning in Preservice Teacher Education

Name (Japanese kanji)


Name (Roman Alphabet)

Sakiko Yoneda, Hiroyuki Takagi, Chie Ohtani, Kimberly Niezgoda, Suzanne Murray Galella

Name of conference

AERA (Amerian Educationa Researchl Association) Annual Meeting 2023

Date held


Presence/absence of invitation

Batu(Ordinary Lecture)

Language of publication used


Conference category

International Conference

Type of presentation


Organizer of conference

Amerian Educationa Researchl Association


Chicago, US




A private University in Japan and a private University in the U.S. collaborated to provide an
online opportunity for Japanese pre-service teachers to observe and teach an American
5th-grade class. This study examines the continuing effects and challenges of Collaborative
Online International Learning (COIL) on pre-service Japanese teachers. The participants
were six students whose study abroad programs were canceled because of COVID-19.
Participants took pre-post surveys and the Beliefs, Events, and Values Inventory (BEVI) to access transformative learning. The qualitative analysis indicated students benefited from participating in this COIL experience. And the BEVI data showed a significant difference positively in scales: Socioemotional Convergence, Meaning Quest, Gender Traditionalism, Sociocultural Openness, and Global Resonance.
