Teaching qualification / certification |
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Research achievements (PUBLICATIONS) |
- Linguistic expertise in extended other-initiated repair sequences in ELF interactions CELF Forum Satomi Kuroshima, Blagoja Dimoski, Tricia Okada, Yuri Jody Yujobo & Rasami Chaikul 2023-04
- When a request turn is segmented: Managing the deontic authority via early compliance Discourse Studies Satomi Kuroshima 2023-02
- Navigating boundaries through knowledge: Intercultural phenomenon in ELF interactions Englishes in Practice Satomi Kuroshima, Blagoja Dimoski, Tricia Okada, Yuri Jody Yujobo, Rasami Chaikul 2022-06-18
- 'Translanguaging' Gestures and Onomatopoeia as Resources for Repairing the Problem CELF Forum Satomi Kuroshima, Blagoja Dimoski, Tricia Okada, Yuri Jody Yujobo & Rasami Chaikul 2022-04
- Working toward group accomplishment through a proposal sequence: Conversation analysis of a college English learning activity 4th JAAL in JACET Proceedings Satomi Kuroshima 2022-03
- Toward a praxeological account of performing surgery: Overcoming methodological and technical constraints Social Interaction. Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality Satomi Kuroshima 2021-08-12
- 'Reading aloud,' 'reading' and 'looking at' a medical record: Visual resource in the action formation of a doctor-patient interaction The Japanese Journal of Health and Medical Sociology Satomi Kuroshima 2021-01-31
- Confirming Oneʼs Understanding through te (yuu) koto: Negotiation of Knowledge and Understanding in Groupwork for English Learning Activities Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan Satomi Kuroshima 2020-06-30
- Therapist and patient accountability through tactility and sensation in medical massage sessions Social Interaction: Video-Based Studies of Human Sociality Satomi Kuroshima 2020-05-15
- The initial stages of developing resources for teaching communication strategies in ELF-informed pedagogy. Waseda Working Papers in ELF, Dimoski, Blagoja, Kuroshima, Satomi, Okada, Tricia, Chaikul, Rasami, & Yujobo, Yuri Jody 2019
- On Displaying Empathy: Dilemma, Category, and Experience RESEARCH ON LANGUAGE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION Kuroshima Satomi, Iwata Natsuho 2016-04
- Evidence-based Effective Triage Operation During Disaster: Application of Human-trajectory Data to Triage Drill Sessions PREHOSPITAL AND DISASTER MEDICINE Ohta Shoichi, Yoda Ikushi, Takeda Munekazu, Kuroshima Satomi, Uchida Kotaro, Kawai Kentaro, Yukioka Tetsuo 2015-02
- Another look at the service encounter: Progressivity, intersubjectivity, and trust in a Japanese sushi restaurant JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS Kuroshima Satomi 2010-03
- Professional development through action research for language educators Creating Teacher Community: Selected papers from the Third International Conference on Language Teacher Education. S. Park, Z, Wang, & S. Kuroshima 2004
Research achievements (PUBLICATIONS/REVIEWS (Misc)) |
- Book review: Multimodal Approaches to Healthcare Communication Research: Visualising Interactions for Resilient Healthcare in the UK and Japan, Keiko Tsuchiya, Frank Coffey, Kyota Nakamura, Bloomsbury, London (2023), 230 pp. ISBN 9781350298477, £ 95.00 (h Satomi Kuroshima Journal of Pragmatics 222 23 ~ 24 2024-03
- Practices for explaining the test results of internal exposure to radioactive materials Masafumi Sunaga, Satomi Kuroshima 社会学研究科年報 立教大学大学院社会学研究科 24 7 ~ 18 2017
- 「ない」から「ある」のコミュニケーションへ―災害医療救護訓練のコミュニケーション分析から― 黒嶋智美, 黒嶋智美, 川島理恵, 依田育士, 太田祥一 Jpn J Disaster Res 20 3 558 2016-02-10
- Workshop in the 36th CongressTowards Comprehensive Description of Talk, Gesture and Material Environment: Possibilities and Issues of Conversation Analysis Kuroshima Satomi, Joh Ayami, Sugiura Hideyuki, Makino Ryosaku, Cibulka Paul The Japanese Journal of Language in Society 社会言語科学会 18 2 76 ~ 81 2016
- Sustainable Training-Model Development Based on Analysis of Disaster Medicine Training OHTA Shoichi, TAKEDA Munekazu, SASAKI Ryo, UESUGI Hirotaka, KAMAGATA Hironobu, KAWAI Kentaro, KUROSHIMA Satomi, KAWASHIMA Michie, ONISHI Masaki, YODA Ikushi J Disaster Res 10 5 900 ~ 918 2015-10-01
- Conversation Analysis of Career Counseling 西阪 仰, 早野 薫, 黒嶋 智美 研究所年報 明治学院大学社会学部附属研究所 45 21 ~ 41 2015-03
- Baudouin Dupret, "Speaking the truth : Advocacy video clips against terror" デュプレ ボードワン, 黒嶋 智美, 小宮 友根 東海法学 東海大学出版会 49 174 ~ 133 2015
- 3D‐CGナビゲーション臓器画像を使って「見ること」:術中における医療者間コミュニケーションの会話分析 黒嶋智美, 黒嶋智美, 大城幸雄, 宮本良一, 中山健, 大河内信弘 日本肝胆膵外科学会学術集会プログラム・抄録集(CD-ROM) 27th ROMBUNNO.P134-4 2015
- 3D‐CGナビゲーション臓器画像の利用可能性:術中における医療者間コミュニケーションの会話分析より 黒嶋智美, 大城幸雄, 宮本良一, 中山健一, 大河内信弘 日本消化器病学会大会(Web) 57th GEP‐332 (WEB ONLY) 2015
- 発話対象の明確化と役割認識―災害医療訓練のコミュニケーション分析から― 黒嶋智美, 川島理恵, 依田育士, 太田祥一, 佐々木亮, 武田宗和, 河井健太郎, 上杉泰隆, 鎌形博展, 山田京志, 野口英一 日本集団災害医学会誌 19 3 473 2014-12-31
- Workshop in the 32nd Congress : How Conversation Analysis can Contribute to the Analysis of Service Encounter HIRAMOTO Takeshi, KUROSHIMA Satomi, MIZUKAWA Yoshifumi, AKIYA Naonori The Japanese journal of language in society 社会言語科学会 16 2 99 ~ 105 2014-03-31
- The structural organization of ordering and serving sushi KUROSHIMA Satomi P. Szatrouwski (Ed.), Language and food: Verbal and nonverbal experiences, John Benjamins. Amsterdam 54 ~ 75 2014-01
- Anthropology, Ethnography and Legal Practice : Law as a Practical Accomplishment デュプレ ボードワン, 黒嶋 智美, 小宮 友根 東海法学 東海大学出版会 48 58 ~ 13 2014
- D-12-71 A Study of Behavior Analysis for Team Medicine in Emergency Medical Services Takahashi Yusuke, Yoda Ikushi, Onishi Masaki, Kuroshima Satomi, Kawashima Michie, Oda Jun, Mishima Shiro, Ohta Shoichi, Yukioka Tetsuo Proceedings of the IEICE General Conference 一般社団法人電子情報通信学会 2013 2 2013-03-05
- Interaction in Home Medical Care NISHIZAKA Aug, KUROSHIMA Satomi, HAYANO Kaoru, SUNAGA Masafumi, SAKAI Eri 研究所年報 明治学院大学社会学部付属研究所 43 9 ~ 26 2013-03
- Turn Beginnings in Interaction: An Introduction Hye Ri Kim, KUROSHIMA Satomi Journal of Pragmatics 57 267 ~ 273 2013-01
- Book Review: Stivers, T., Mondada, L., & Steensig, J. (Eds.) The Morality of Knowledge in Conversation. Cambridge University Press. 2011 KUROSHIMA Satomi The Japanese journal of language in society 16 1 160 ~ 165 2013-01
- The Initiation of Evacuees' Topical Talk in ashiyu (Footbath) Volunteer Activity in the Areas Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake 西阪 仰, 須永 将史, 黒嶋 智美 研究所年報 明治学院大学社会学部付属研究所 42 3 ~ 23 2012-03
- The Initiation of Evacuees' Topical Talk in ashiyu (Footbath) Volunteer Activity in the Areas Affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake 西阪 仰, 須永 将史, 黒嶋 智美, 早野 薫, 岩田 夏穂 研究所年報 明治学院大学社会学部付属研究所 42 3 ~ 23 2012-03
- A Simultaneous Analysis System for Team Medicine in Emergency Medical Services by Utilizing Trajectories and Conversation Analysis Yoda Ikushi, Onishi Masaki, Kawashima Michie, Kuroshima Satomi, Oda Jun, Mishima Shiro, Ohta Shoichi, Yukioka Tetsuo The Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers 66 5 J158 ~ J166 2012
Research achievements (BOOKS) |
Research achievements (Lectures, oral presentations, posters, etc.) |
Research achievements (Other) |
Research achievements (Patents) |
Overseas research activities |
Acceptance of special research students |
Courses you have taught (To be displayed on Researchmap) |
Course taught (Course for regular students) |
Course taught (Course for correspondence students) |
Educational innovation, text books and other matters worth mentioning |
Involvements with student field work / Study trips |
Extracurricular activities, etc. |
Achievements in fine arts / sports |