氏名 |
髙橋 宗良 |
氏名(カナ) |
タカハシ ムネヨシ |
氏名(英語) |
TAKAHASHI Muneyoshi |
- 認知科学 意思決定, 記憶, 選好, 魅力, 風味, 顔, コミュニケーション, 同期, モーションキャプチャー
- 社会心理学 コミュニケーション, 対人関係, 印象形成, 信頼, 協調
- 実験心理学 意思決定, 記憶, 選好, コミュニケーション
- 神経生理学・神経科学一般 fMRI, 脳波, 前頭前野, 島皮質, 大脳基底核, 海馬
- 若年ドライバーにおける運転場面のリスク評価と表情認知の関連性 玉川大学工学部紀要 浅井陽介, 高橋宗良 2023
- Childhood exercise predicts response inhibition in later life via changes in brain connectivity and structure. NeuroImage Toru Ishihara, Atsushi Miyazaki, Hiroki Tanaka, Takayuki Fujii, Muneyoshi Takahashi, Kuniyuki Nishina, Kei Kanari, Haruto Takagishi, Tetsuya Matsuda 2021/08
- Urgency promotes affective disengagement: Effects from bivalent cues on preference formation for abstract images Frontiers in Psychology Xu, J., Zommara, N. M., Ounjai, K., Takahashi, M., Kobayashi, S., Matsuda, T., Lauwereyns, J. 2020/06
- Evaluative processing of food images: Longer viewing for indecisive preference fomation Frontiers in Psychology Wolf, A., Ounjai, K., Takahashi, M., Kobayashi, S., Matsuda, T., Lauwereyns, J. 2019/03
- Active confirmation bias in the evaluative processing of food images Scientific Reports Ounjai, K., Kobayashi, S., Takahashi, M., Matsuda, T., Lauwereyns, J. 2018/11
- Evaluative processing of food images: A conditional role for viewing in preference formation Frontiers in Psychology Wolf, A., Ounjai, K., Takahashi, M., Kobayashi, S., Matsuda, T., Lauwereyns, J. 2018/06
- A gaze bias with coarse spatial indexing during a gambling task Cognitive Neurodynamics Zommara, N. M., Takahashi, M., Ounjai, K., & Lauwereyns, J. 2018/04
- Influence of multiple action–outcome associations on the transition dynamics toward an optimal choice in rats Cognitive Neurodynamics Zommara, N. M., Takahashi, M., & Lauwereyns, J. 2018/02
- Women's preference for a male acquaintance enhances social reward processing of material goods in the anterior cingulate cortex PLOS ONE Nakagawa, J., Takahashi, M., Okada, R., Matsushima, E., & Matsuda, T. 2015/08
- The deaf utilize phonological representations in visually presented verbal memory tasks Neuroscience Research Okada, R., Nakagawa, J., Takahashi, M., Kanaka, N., Fukamauchi, F., Watanabe, K., Namatame, M., & Matsuda, T. 2015/01
- Within-session dynamics of theta-gamma coupling and high-frequency oscillations during spatial alternation in rat hippocampal area CA1 Cognitive Neurodynamics Nishida, H., Takahashi, M., & Lauwereyns, J. 2014/10
- Theta phase shift in spike timing and modulation of gamma oscillation: A dynamic code for spatial alternation during fixation in rat hippocampal area CA1 Journal of Neurophysiology Takahashi, M., Nishida, H., Redish, A. D., & Lauwereyns, J. 2014/04
- Fear Conditioning Induces Guinea Pig Auditory Cortex Activation by Foot Shock Alone Cognitive Neurodynamics Ide, Y., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Sandner, G., Tsukada, M., & Aihara, T. 2013/02
- Context and the renewal of conditioned taste aversion: The role of rat dorsal hippocampus examined by electrolytic lesion Cognitive Neurodynamics Fujiwara, H., Sawa, K., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Tsukada, M., & Aihara, T. 2012/10
- 不動状態のラット海馬神経活動に見られる行動系列の表現 高橋宗良 2010/03
- A code for spatial alternation during fixation in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons Journal of Neurophysiology Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Sakurai, Y., and & Tsukada, M. 2009/07
- Behavioral state-dependent episodic representations in rat CA1 neuronal activity during spatial alternation Cognitive Neurodynamics Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Sakurai, Y., & Tsukada, M. 2009/06
- Analog FPAAと組込用MCUを用いた完全無拘束動物実験のための多点ニューロン同時計測システムの開発 - Neuroscope1 - 日本神経回路学会誌 山本 純, 高橋 宗良, 塚田 稔, 安西 祐一郎 1999/03
- 身体的同期と社会的意思決定 高橋宗良, 藤井貴之, 松田哲也 CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE 中外医学社 39 8 996 ~ 998 2021
- Dynamic information routing in the hippocampus Nishida, H., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics V 275 ~ 281 2016
- Optical imaging of plastic changes induced by fear conditioning in auditory, visual, and somatosensory cortices Ide, Y., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J., Tsukada, M., Aihara, T. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics IV 453 ~ 457 2015
- High frequency oscillations for behavioral stabilization during spatial alternation Nishida, H., Takahashi, M., Redish, A. D., Lauwereyns, J. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics IV 531 ~ 535 2015
- Gamma-band shift in the activity of rat hippocampal CA1: A comparison of memory-guided and visually-cued spatial choice Zommara, N., Nishida, H., Takahashi, M., Lauwereyns, J. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics IV 609 ~ 613 2015
担当経験のある科目(Researchmap表示用) |