氏名 |
中平 健治 |
氏名(カナ) |
ナカヒラ ケンジ |
氏名(英語) |
- Parseval wavelets on hierarchical graphs Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis K. Nakahira, A. Miyamoto 2018
- Upper and lower bounds on optimal success probability of quantum state discrimination with and without inconclusive results Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda, K. Kato 2018
- Optimal discrimination of optical coherent states cannot always be realized by interfering with coherent light, photon counting, and feedback Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, K. Kato, and T. S. Usuda 2018
- Generalized bipartite quantum state discrimination problems with sequential measurements Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, K. Kato, and T. S. Usuda 2018
- Finding optimal solutions for generalized quantum state discrimination problems IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda, K. Kato 2017
- Multi-Link Waveletと適応サンプリングに基づく医用超音波画像 のスペックルノイズ除去技術 画像電子学会 宮本敦, 中平健治 2017
- Iterative methods for finding optimal quantum measurements under minimum-error and minimax criteria Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, K. Kato, T. S. Usuda 2015
- ルールベース型欠陥分類器の判定パラメータ自動調整技術 電気学会論文誌C 宮本敦, 中平健治 2015
- Finding optimal measurement with inconclusive results using the problem of minimum error discrimination Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda, K. Kato 2015
- Generalized quantum state discrimination problems Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, K. Kato, T. S. Usuda 2015
- Implementation of nonprojective measurement on a Hilbert space spanned by binary coherent states Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda 2014
- Multi-link wavelets on hierarchical graphs Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis K. Nakahira, A. Miyamoto 2014
- 原子炉内検査画像の高画質化技術 電子情報通信学会論文誌 (D) 宮本敦, 中平健治, 細谷直樹, 木村和浩, 小池正浩 2014
- A fast iterative technique for restoring scanning electron microscope images Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A K. Nakahira, A. Miyamoto, T. Honda 2014
- Efficient parameter optimization by applying estimation error reduction to design of experiments for image processing IEEJ Trans. Electr. Electron. Eng. Y. Minekawa, K. Nakahira, R. Nakagaki, Y. Takagi 2013
- Inconclusive 量子最適測定およびその導出過程に対する幾何学的解釈 電子情報通信学会論文誌 (A) 中平健治, 臼田毅, 加藤研太郎 2013
- Quantum measurement for group-covariant state set Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda 2013
- 複数の明度値変動要因を考慮した半導体デバイスSEM画像の超解像処理技術 精密工学会誌 宮本敦, 中平健治 2013
- Minimax strategy in quantum signal detection with inconclusive results Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, K. Kato, T. S. Usuda 2013
- Minimum-error discrimination between self-symmetric mixed quantum state signals IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda 2012
- 多重解像度解析およびモルフォロジカルフィルタを用いた 医用超音波画像の高画質化技術 Medical Imaging Technology 中平健治, 宮本敦 2012
- Discrimination between geometrically uniform quantum states with inconclusive results Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda, K. Kato 2012
- Optimal receiver for discrimination of two coherent states with inconclusive results Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda 2012
- Minimum-Bayes-cost discrimination for symmetric quantum states Phys. Rev. A K. Nakahira, T. S. Usuda 2012
- Performance analysis of ultrasonic ranging using a digital polarity correlator Meas. Sci. Technol. T. Kodama, K. Nakahira 2012
- 超音波距離計における2値周波数偏移変調信号の特性 電気学会論文誌C 児玉哲司, 中平健治, 小山優, 村上順一 2009
- 超音波距離計へのディジタル相関器の応用 電気学会論文誌C 児玉哲司, 中平健治, 金谷勇気, 吉川貴彦 2007
- Design of digital polarity correlators in a multiple user sonar ranging system IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. K. Nakahira, T. Kodama, T. Furuhashi, and H. Maeda 2005
- Evolutionary computation applied to the reconstruction of 3-D surface topography in the SEM J. Electron Microsc. T. Kodama, X. Li, K. Nakahira, D. Ito 2005
- A self adapting sonar ranging system based on digital polarity correlators Meas. Sci. Technol. K. Nakahira, T. Kodama, T. Furuhashi, S. Okuma 2003
- Distance measurement by an ultrasonic system based on a digital polarity correlator IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. K. Nakahira, T. Kodama, S. Morita, S. Okuma 2001
担当経験のある科目(Researchmap表示用) |