氏名 |
高岸 治人 |
氏名(カナ) |
タカギシ ハルト |
氏名(英語) |
- Association of the oxytocin receptor gene with attitudinal trust: role of amygdala volume. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Nishina K., Takagishi H., Fermin A. S. R., Inoue-Murayama M., Takahashi H., Sakagami, M., Yamagishi T. 2018
- 子どもの利他行動の発達:日本から発達研究を発信する意義と展望 発達心理学研究 藤井貴之・高岸治人 2018
- Response time in economic games reflects different types of decision conflict for prosocial and proself individuals. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. Yamagishi, T., Matsumoto, Y., Kiyonari, T., Takagishi, H., Li, Y., Kanai, R., Sakagami, M. 2017
- Behavioural Differences and Neural Substrates of Altruistic and Spiteful Punishment. Scientific Reports Yamagishi T., Li Y., Fermin A., Kanai R., Takagishi H., Matsumoto Y., Kiyonari T., Sakagami M. 2017
- オキシトシン受容体遺伝子と信頼の関連に関する研究 玉川大学脳科学研究所紀要 仁科国之・高岸治人 2017
- Relationship between Salivary Oxytocin Levels and Generosity in Preschoolers. Scientific Reports Fujii, T., Schug, J., Nishina, K., Takahashi, T., Okada, H., & Takagishi, H. 2016
- Fear of Negative Evaluation Moderates the Effect of Subliminal Fear Priming on Rejection of Unfair Offers in the Ultimatum Game. Scientific Reports Takagishi, H., Fujii, T., Nishina, K., & Okada, H. 2016
- Does facial width-to-height ratio predict Japanese professional football players’ athletic performance? Letters on Evolutionary Behavioral Science Fujii, T., Goto, A., Takagishi, H. 2016
- The development of theory of mind and positive and negative reciprocity in preschool children. Frontiers in Psychology Schug, J., Takagishi, H., Benech, C. &, Okada, H. 2016
- Cortical thickness of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex predicts strategic choices in economic games. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. Yamagishi, T., Takagishi, H., Fermin, A.S.R., Kanai, R., Li, Y., & Matsumoto, Y. 2016
- The Effect of Direct and Indirect Monitoring on Generosity Among Preschoolers. Scientific Reports Fujii, T., Takagishi, T., Koizumi, M., Okada, H. 2015
- The development of the effect of peer monitoring on generosity differs among elementary school-age boys and girls. Frontiers in Psychology Takagishi, H., Fujii, T., Koizumi, M., Schug, J., Nakamura, F. & Kameshima, S. 2015
- Polymorphism of the Oxytocin Receptor Gene Modulates Behavioral and Attitudinal Trust among Men but Not Women. PLoS ONE Nishina, K., Takagishi, H., Inoue-Murayama, M., Takahashi, H., Yamagishi, T. 2015
- In search of homo economicus. Psychological Science Yamagishi, T., Li, Y., Takagishi, H., Matsumoto, Y., & Kiyonari, T. 2014
- The role of cognitive and emotional perspective taking in economic decision making in the ultimatum game. PLoS ONE Takagishi, H., Koizumi, M., Fujii, T., Schug, J., Kameshima, S., & Yamagishi, T. 2014
- Neuroeconomics of psychopathy: risk taking in probability discounting of gain and loss predicts psychopathy Neuroendocrinology Letters Takahashi, T., Takagishi, H., Nishinaka, H., Makino, T., & Fukui, H. 2014
- The Relationship between Child Maltreatment and Emotion Recognition. PLoS ONE Koizumi, M., & Takagishi, H. 2014
- Is behavioral pro-sociality game-specific? Pro-social preference and expectations of pro-sociality Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Yamagishi, T., Mifune, N., Li, Y., Shinada, M., Hashimoto, H., Horita, Y., Miura, A., Inukai, K., Tanida, S., Kiyonari, T., Takagishi, H., & Simunovic, D. 2013
- 被虐待経験を持つ青少年の認知傾向 子どものこころと脳の発達 小泉径子・高岸治人・田中康雄 2013
- Rejection of unfair offers in the ultimatum game is no evidence of strong reciprocity Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. Yamagishi, T., Horita, Y., Mifune, N., Hashimoto, H., Li, Y., Shinada, M., Miura, A., Inukai, K., Takagishi, H., & Simunovic, D. 2012
- Modesty in self-presentation: A comparison between the USA and Japan Asian Journal of Social Psychology Yamagishi, T., Hashimoto, H., Cook, K.S., Kiyonari, T., Shinada, M., Mifune, N., Inukai, K., Takagishi, H., Horita, Y., & Li, Y. 2011
- 他者の協力行動の推測の正確さを規定する要因 ?魅力度と表情豊かさ? 心理学研究 品田瑞穂・山岸俊男・谷田林士・高橋知里・犬飼佳吾・小泉径子・横田晋大・三船恒裕・高岸治人・堀田結孝・橋本博文 2010
- Salivary testosterone levels and autism-spectrum quotient in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters Takagishi, H., Takahashi, T., Yamagishi, T., Shinada, M., Inukai, K., Tanida, S., Mifune, N., Horita, Y., Hashimoto, H., Li, Y., & Kameda, T. 2010
- Theory of Mind Enhances Preference for Fairness. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Takagishi, H., Kameshima, S., Schug, J., Koizumi, M., & Yamagishi, T. 2010
- Salivary alpha-amylase levels and big five personality factors in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters Inukai, K., Shinada, M., Tanida, S., Takahashi, C., Mifune, N., Takagishi, H., Horita, Y., Hashimoto, H., Yokota, K., Kameda, T., Yamagishi, T., & Takahashi, T. 2010
- Stress hormones predict hyperbolic time-discount rates six months later in adults. Neuroendocrinology Letters Takahashi, T., Shinada, M., Inukai, K., Tanida, S., Takahashi, C., Mifune, N., Takagishi, H., Horita, Y., Hashimoto, H., Yokota, K., Kameda, T., & Yamagishi, T. 2010
- 幼稚園児の分配ゲームにおける心の理論の役割 関西福祉科学大学紀要 高岸治人・藤井貴之・亀島信也 2010
- 集団との関係とネガティブな感情表出との関係:最後通告ゲームを用いた実験 関西福祉科学大学紀要 藤井貴之・亀島信也・高岸治人 2010
- Neural Correlates of the Rejection of Unfair Offers in the Impunity Game. Neuroendocrinology Letters Takagishi, H., Takahashi, T., Toyomura, A., Takashino, N., Koizumi, M., & Yamagishi, T. 2009
- The Private Rejection of Unfair Offers and Emotional Commitment. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. Yamagishi, T., Horita, Y., Takagishi, H., Shinada, M., Tanida, S., & Cook, K. 2009
- 第3者による不公正是正行動における意図の役割 実験社会心理学研究 高岸治人・高橋伸幸・山岸俊男 2009
担当経験のある科目(Researchmap表示用) |